It's time again to go chase those speed goats through the desert and I couldn't be more ready. I already missed one of my favorite trips of the year, going down to Mertzon and shooting does with my buddies in south Texas so I was fired up for this. I couldn't sleep so I laid there thinking about the mountains of coyotes I would kill and how all the antelope would be 17 inches tall with huge prongs until I finally had to get up and go, it was early but I needed coffee and a highway. I got to …
Archery Opener: Not what I had in mind
Last year's deer season was one of the worst we've had in some time so I was determined to make this year better. I spent the summer working on stands and feeders, cutting trees and all the things that need doing to be ready for the archery opener but "Cook Luck" showed up and the bad season continues. My dad always said he had bad luck and passed it on and that's the "Cook Luck" and I'm starting to believe there's something to this. Things just happen to me regularly that don't happen to most …
A Sad Visit to Illinois
Over the last few days we've found ourself visiting family in Illinois for the worst of reasons. Mary's dad was very sick and on his last days with us. In the near 16 years we have been together I have visited here many times but it can never be enough. It is a very difficult thing when you have family scattered as far and wide as we do to visit them all. I strongly encourage anyone who is in this situation to do all you can to see your family as much as you can, you will not always have the …