I laid awake most of the night with throbbing ribs thinking about the whole trip. 8 days is a long time when you've put in the miles and effort we had and we only had one deer to show for it. I thought about being here and how this is my in laws I don't see often, some of the family sees them even less and I had spent the most part of a week worried about big deer. Bo had taken time off work and I was a guest in their home yet I hadn't really visited much with Deb and the kids at all. I wasn't …
Montana Day 7
Getting up in the morning isn't getting easier and I slept less every night because of my ribs I couldn't get comfortable. We decided more driving and less walking would be good so the plan was made to just take short walks a few hundred yards here and there to look in the bottoms and only walk if we needed to stalk a critter. Bo had told me about this spot holding huge herds of elk in September but they had usually moved out by now but the walk was short so we set out. Very nice view once again …
Montana Day 6
This is a beautiful place and with the snow and rocks it looked like a painting but it was starting to wear me down with the miles of hiking a day and not eating right. I don't exactly look like the guy on the Under Armor commercial but Im not really that out of shape either but I am a flat lander and my legs and calves were starting to cramp a little at night. If you read my story about Tucumcari New Mexico you know that I fell and hurt my ribs just a couple weeks before I arrived in Montana …